What to spring clean on your website

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With more light in the day and the sun shining through, we’re definitely in spring. 

Have you started spring cleaning? Make sure to include your business. Specifically, your website. Refresh the content, look and functionality. Make sure it meets the needs of those visiting your website. 

You want your estate agency website design to match whatever you’re telling your customers. If you’re a forward-thinking, straight-talking business, make sure this comes across when a user is on your website. 

daffodil in a field

Not sure what to focus on, on your website? Take pointers from our helpful list: 

  • The content

The content on your website isnt probably something you read every day, so it’s a good place to start. Check that the information still adds value to the visitor, is relevant and is clear and consistent with the way your business is going. Maybe you need to add, change or takeaway content. 

  • The look

When was the last time you updated the design of your website? Not something you might do often, but it’s important to bear it in mind. After all, first impressions really count when visitors land on your website. You want your website to be memorable for all the right reasons.

  • The functionality

Does your website deliver the needs of its users? Keeping the functionality of your website up to date is really important, you don’t want to be left behind or be unable to deliver an exceptional service to your customers. 

  • The user experience

Is it easy for the user to find the information they need? Does your page load quick enough? By enhancing and making the user experience the best it can be on your website you’ll retain them and hopefully even convert them. 

  • The links

Check all the links on your website. Make sure they still take the visitor to the right place and if it is to a third party website, check it is still working or consider if it is necessary. You want the visitor to stay on your website for as long as possible. 

  • The CTAs

Call-to-actions around your website are really important. Giving the right direction could be the difference to converting visitors into customers. Ensure you have a sufficient amount, they’re in working order or are prominent enough. 

  • Ongoing SEO

Making sure your website is SEO friendly isn’t a one-time job. You ideally want a specialist looking after your estate agency SEO. You want to be ranking highly on search engines and do all you can to ensure you are kept at the highest place. 

Hopefully, after reading that list you’ve got some ideas of what to look at with your own website.

man typing and coding at his computer

We’re here to make spring cleaning your website easier

At PropertyStream, our experienced team can help with any aspect of your website from design to development to monthly support. 

Meeting your needs, we are flexible, friendly and straight-talking. If you have any questions or would like to know more about our services, please get in touch - enquiries@propertystream.co or call us on 0333 242 0647.

Tagged: branding · spring · website · website design

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