The lockdown long-game

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Constantly reading about how unprecedented and damaging the COVID-19 situation is to our world is not beneficial to anyone. I’m sure we’ve all consumed our fill of daily news reports that seek only to raise our blood pressure.
Instead, I’d like to think about the long-game. We’re all involved in it - companies big and small. We’ve all got to play the hand we’ve been dealt.
What moves can we make now that will pay off down the line?
What strategies can we have up our sleeve?
Truthfully, there’s no formula or cheat-sheet in a scenario like this.
COVID-19 has been compared to a war, but really there is no comparison to be made as many of us have never lived through events like these.
‘Unprecedented’ is the word on everyone’s lips at the moment for a reason!
But there is definitely a way of thinking that will be beyond beneficial in these times. Cast your eyes ahead and think about the future - the post-corona world.



Adjustments, pivots and reinventions have been happening left right and centre. Thinking about how the property landscape will change is important, and anticipating your position in it is crucial.
So what actions can be taken during lockdown?
It goes without saying that a lot of actions are limited. With the property market essentially frozen, the long-term plan has to come into play.
It’s a great time to nurture your leads and prospects.
Many people will be searching for information at this time about what happens next, and you can be the one to supply them with answers. Keeping your brand relevant on social media and connecting with clients via email is also vital.
Look to other local businesses.
At the moment, there are initiatives everywhere and examples of local businesses helping one another out. Promoting and supporting each other at this time will go far. Local communities seem more connected than ever before, so tap into this renewal of community spirit.
Consider your brand and your website.
These are the integral parts of your business - you could say, the soul of your business. If you have time on your hands, this could be a great opportunity to polish up your logo, your site’s content, your brand architecture. Do you have the modernity needed to keep up in today’s digital world?



Most importantly, keep your eyes on the future.
The pent-up demand of the property market will be a force to be reckoned with when lockdown has lifted. Keep reminding your clients that this is all temporary.
In the meantime, encouraging those who will want to sell in the future to get their properties ready is a wise move. Now is a great time to neaten up the garden, or do some much-needed decluttering.
There's no easy way to play the long-game, but hang in there.
Storms don't last forever!

Can we help?
In these unprecedented circumstances, we are offering free content marketing to help you in any way we can. This could be a free blog post, content for social media, or a piece of email marketing.
Communication is so important right now, but we understand that it takes time and effort.
Let us take some off the pressure off.
Contact me at or call 0161 672 7822 to find out more.


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