How do I choose a good web design agency?

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Most of us turn to Google when we are looking for a service provider, but when you search “web design agency” there are millions of results. Great, if you can get recommendations from people you know or through a credible source but it can be really hard if you need to rely on finding them yourself. With endless options online, how do you choose a good web design agency?

Once you’ve decided whether you are looking for a re-design or an estate agency website to be done from scratch, you can start your search for a design agency who will meet your needs.

Getting a website designed is a big deal. It’s a costly project in terms of time and money, but with other aspects of your business, it’s an investment needed to bring in the revenue.

Choosing a web design agency involves looking at different factors. Online reviews can be a good guide but shouldn’t be the only source you look at.

web designs on paper

What to consider when choosing a web design agency:

  • Experience

An experienced agency will have gone through the good and bad. Taking those experiences into account can lead to the agency providing a service that will meet their client’s needs every time.

  • Industry

Does that web design agency know your industry? It’s a lot easier to work with one if they are familiar with integrations or systems you use.

For example in the property industry, there’s usually going to be the need to integrate your CRM so properties are updated seamlessly.

  • Conversions

Designing a website to look nice is one thing but knowing how to successfully convert website visitors into customers is a strategic skill. You want to check or ask your web design agency how they incorporate this into their design or what methods they use to do this. This is the end goal of your website so it’s important to get it right.

  • Customers

Has that design agency previously worked with customers who are similar to you? An agency that has similar company values and ways of working will make it a lot easier to get the job done.

Also, do you know if they have clients they have an on-going relationship with? This would be a helpful sign that this agency would is good to work with. It shows their clients trust them to continue doing work with them and the agency values their clients.

  • Other services

Apart from web design, it’s really helpful if the agency has other related services available such as website development or marketing. It can help tie all your goals together.

property stream employees talking about web design

Work with a professional digital agency 

PropertyStream are a digital agency specialising in website, branding and marketing. We have a talented team filled with website designers, developers and copywriters to help get your message across.

We have worked with estate agencies all around the UK and have a deep understanding of the property industry. We know what integrations are needed to make your jobs seamless and can make your website stand out from the crowd. Take a look at our previous work.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how we could help you, please feel free to get in touch by email or call us on 0333 242 0647.

Tagged: digitalagency · ux · webdesign

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